Review: The Vision Driven Leader

Review: The Vision Driven Leader

From across the table, he began to share the importance of an organization having a vision, a clear picture of the desired future. He then took a piece of paper and began to write. Finishing, he handed me the paper, and I saw a list of 10 questions. Quickly he began to walk through each of them, making the point "answering these questions would help uncover a clear vision for your organization."

As our meal finished, he challenged me to think through each of the questions and write out my responses. He went on to say, 'at our next meeting, we will begin to walk through each of the questions.'

That is, of course, a made-up scene, but I could easily see the contents of the Vision Driven Leader being discussed between mentor/coach and his follower.

The book just is laid out that way.

In ten simple questions, Michael Hyatt leads the reader on a journey to discover the importance for an organization to have a clear vision, steps to create this vision, and practical ways to implement through communication and accountability.

One of the unique things about the Vision Driven Leader is the way Michael uses his own experiences, success, and failures to illustrate the importance of a clear vision.

In the Vision Driven Leader Michael lays out the importance of vision for a company and how a defined, clear script can give freedom and courage to make the right decisions for moving an organization to its preferred future.



Teach - Connect - Confide

Teach - Connect - Confide