Pacing vs. Burnout

Pacing vs. Burnout

I have seen it happen and it has happened to me...the dreaded "wall". You're running a race, you go out too fast and long before the finish line arrives, you hit the 'wall.' You reach a point where you can't go on or you can't continue at the pace you were running. 

Understanding the goal, the time needed to finish and how well you are prepared could have avoided the 'wall.'

I have seen it happen in the office too.

Someone starts out a new job at a fast pace, blowing through projects,,,, but then quickly burns out. They burn bridges and have to move on to a new job or they have to slow down so much that very little is accomplished.

I have also witnessed another burnout where poor planning and a late start requires an all out pace to get a project completed on time. In this case, poor pacing produces exhaustion and requires extended recovery days that are unproductive. 

Working under the model ‘speed can conquer time’ is a sure fire way to produce burnout.

In the office, I am constantly pushing myself forward, but I have learned that 'pacing is everything', 'planning is essential' and 'consistent implementation' makes progress.

How do you pace yourself at work? 

Takeoff and Landing, Both Are Important

Takeoff and Landing, Both Are Important

Performing Together, not what you think.

Performing Together, not what you think.