Where to focus

Where to focus

Set a destination - Glance down the road - Focus on the immediate

I enjoy taking long bike rides. I guess that term is relative but I do like to take bike rides of 15 miles or more.

Before heading out the door there are a few things I do to make sure I get off to a good start. First I set a destination. Doing so requires changes or additions to the basic equipment based on the length of the ride or route.

Once I head out on the ride I have in mind the destination but focusing only on the end can get me in trouble. I need to keep the final place in my mind and occasionally glance down the road to evaluate my course, making sure I am still headed in the right direction.

The bike I ride has road (skinny) tires and by hitting the smallest rock or edge of the road the wrong way can be disastrous.  That's why it is important that I focus on the immediate, what is right around me.

Out on a ride one day I begin to realize that the formula I was using to take a long bike ride would work great for a establishing work goals and objectives.

In the work environment we can often either get lost focusing on the future or the immediate. To secure success we need a balance of both.

Set a destination
On the job it is important to evaluate and set a goal.  Goals help move the organization forward. And in doing so the process will help determine if you need more or different resources.

Glance down the road
With a goal in mind you begin to set intermediate goals and I call this glancing down the road. These glances give the opportunity to make course corrections whether that is intentional slowing down or speeding up the process or even maneuvering around objects.

Focus on the immediate
I have to admit that I can often get so focused on the end product, the destination, that I can ignore the obvious right in front of me. As important as the destination is it should not be accomplished to the detriment of the team or the organization.

I keep reminding myself of this process so that I can give equal attention to all three of these steps.

Do you have intentional steps that you set in place to accomplish a goal or an objective?

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