Get the Right People Around the Table is the title of a short chapter in Bill Hybels' book, Leadership Axioms.
I have had relatively the same job description for the last 31 years but there is so much more to any job than what is listed in that brief document. With each year, and often each week, I have been faced with tasks, challenges or opportunities that did not fit in the job description yet were 'mission critical' for the organization I work for.
For me success has often meant realizing that I don't know what needs to be done, but someone does. That's the point Hybels is making; surround yourself with the right people, whether that is staff or committees or volunteers.
I am reminded of a large project I was faced with a few years ago; helping an organization build a new building that would meet the demands of its growing ministry. Now I had been involved in two other large building projects but this was going to be the biggest and would face some significant obstacles. This project went the smoothest of any construction I have been involved with because we had the right people around the table.
We recruited the right people for the team. Members with diverse expertise who wrote a great Request for Proposal (RFP) to secure an architect and then an RFP to enlist and hire a great contractor. This same team then managed the project to completion.
All the credit and the glory goes to God for a successful project. All the people around the table would agree…to God be the glory. When God's equipped people unite with a common purpose and surrendered hearts nothing is impossible.
As a leader, when you get the right Godly people around the table, you get to witness miraculous things from God.