There are Skeptics everywhere, in this age there is an increasing number of Skeptics of the Gospel. These are some of the hardest people to reach for Christ and they ask tough questions like: If God is loving why does He send people to Hell? In our current sermon series our pastor tackles questions like this and four others. The object of this sermon series is to give our church solid information that they can use to answer the tough questions. We are posting audio, video and notes of each of these sermons at this link.
Even before you can answer the tough questions you have to know exactly what you believe so in this week's service we dedicated a whole section to stating the facts of our beliefs. You can find how we did that by looking at the setlist below, the beliefs section follows the welcome.
Songs and Scripture for Worship
The Great I Am (the whole song)
Praise His Name Forever (a choir led call to worship, high energy and simple words of praise. After the chorus had been repeated a number of times we asked the congregation to stand and join us.)
Scriptures: Judges 5:3, 2 Samuel 22:50, 1 Chronicles 16:8-9, 1 Timothy 1:17
Praise His Name Forever (reprise of the chorus and bridge of previous song, in the same tempo and key as Sing, Sing, Sing.)
We Believe
Great I Am (chorus only)
Spoken by Leader and Congregation
We believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and the earth. He is our God and we are His people, the works of His hands and the treasure of His heart.
Great I Am (chorus only)
Spoken by Leader and Congregation
We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, who was born of a virgin, died on the cross for the forgiveness or our sins, and rose from the dead. He ascended into heaven where He rules with the Father in all power and authority. He is our Redeemer, and we are the sheep of His pasture, receivers of His abundant grace.
In Christ Alone (vs. 2 &3)
Spoken by Leader and Congregation
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us and in the church today. Day after day He guides us and keeps us strong in the one true faith. This we believe and confess with our whole heart, soul, and mind, for it is most certainly true.
This post is my contribution to the blog carnival Sunday Setlists found at the Worship Community.