It Causes Us to Sing

So why do we come together for weekend worship? To glorify God and edify fellow believers.

Yes okay, but....what is the reason we come together...that we sing...what is our motivation?

The first line of a song that we introduced last week says it simply: "There is one reason why we are gathered here, Your love is causing us to sing."

The title of the song is "There is One Reason" and it comes from the music of Sovereign Grace Ministries. In our evaluation of songs we look closely at the words to make sure they are theological correct...this one is. (In recent days we have also been on the search for songs that speak of the Trinity...this one does.)

So this weekend we come together in Christ-Centered worship and our goal is to Glorify God and by that witness we Edify (encourage) each other. What motivates us...God's love and sacrifice for us.

Being motivated by God's love is the reason we sing...but it should also be the reason we live. And living for Christ is the best way to prepare for Sunday worship. Being always in communication with God makes the worship conversation on Sunday much easier.

The next part of this post are some specific ways the ClearView family can prepare for worship this Sunday.

Read the following scriptures: John 3:16-18, Acts 10:37-43

Take a listen to this new song, There is One Reason, so you can join in from the first note.

And re-familiarize yourself with this great hymn, How Deep The Father's Love for Us.


This post is a part of the blog series Preparing For Worship, written especially for the ClearView congregation.



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