It's Thursday afternoon the end of my work week. As this week ends I am thinking of how the next one will begin...a gathering of people for the exclusive purpose of giving praise and glory to Almighty God.
For weeks our teams have been preparing an outline and elements for a worship service that is Christ-centered. In the last hours I have looked over that list again listened to the songs one more time and read over the scriptures. I want to be as prepared as I can to lead and the best way to do that is to be prepared to worship.
Worship leaders have an advantage over the others at the gathering, they know what is going to happen and are familiar with it all.
How do worship leaders make sure they don't leave the congregation behind?
What is responsibility of the congregation?
Worship leaders must
- make sure everything is God honoring and Christ-centered
- be prepared
- worship
- seek a healthy balance between familiar and new
- provide resources for the congregation
always pray for the people they are to lead
Congregations should
- come ready to worship
- be intentional about their preparation
- be a daily worshiper
- pray for those who are leading
- be open to new worship elements
- engage before evaluating
- be sensitive to those around them
Worship is not something we perform but something we engage in
Worship is not something we watch but something we engage in
Tomorrow I will upload a post for our congregation given them some resources that will help them prepare for worship.
How do you help your congregation prepare before they arrive for worship?