In thirty years of ministry I witnessed many examples of the scripture John 6:8-13. Not in the literal since but...
People often feel that they don't have much to offer God so I have used this scripture to show them how God will take whatever we surrender to Him and use it for His glory.
This is the one miracle that appears in every one of the gospels. Here John adds a few lines of details that the others don't. In this accounting we see that the five loaves and two fish were in the possession of a young boy. The boy willing surrendered all he had then Jesus multiplied the food to satisfy thousands with plenty of leftovers.
Over the years I have seen many people take the step of faith and say yes to ministry and stand back and watch God multiply those gifts to grow His kingdom beyond their imagination.
Lately I have thought of that verse in a different way...God puts an interest in my mind on some topic then I feel compelled to learn as much as much as I can. Then surrender all I have learned to God. When there is a hunger for knowledge and surrender to God its then I see Him give me a deeper hunger. The results are then multiplication of what I am learning.
When the natural hunger for food faced the thousands that were gathered to hear Jesus, he provided the food and even multiplied it to meet their needs.
God places hunger in our hearts and minds and will even provide the nurishment to meet the hunger, we have to take the step to consume.
Is God placing a desire for something in your heart or mind now?
How does He expect you to react to that hunger?
Be warned that when we surrender, as the boy in the gospel of John, God will use us and often in ways beyond our imagination or dreams.