Start the Before You Arrive

Start the Before You Arrive

For over thirty years I was the leader of the team planning the weekend worship experiences for a local congregation.  I then transitioned to another position on a church staff. 

Now I no longer work in a church but am one of those in the crowd participating.  

I wrote the next few paragraphs when I was the planner. Now, they challenge me to live out what I hoped for those I led.

Multiple services, in multiple venues on the same campus, require a regimented schedule: get people in the door, start on time, finish on time and then move them out so the next group can come in. From start to finish 65 minutes. Most Sundays I wish it were longer. It is such a joy to see God’s people enjoying the conversation of worship and 65 minutes goes way too fast. If we only have a predetermined amount of time for corporate worship let’s make the most of it.

There are weeks that the conversation with God starts from the first invitation to worship. Other weeks it is like we are on starting a conversation with someone we have never talked to.

For Christ-followers it really isn’t the responsibility of the worship leader to make the introductions.

Group worship for the Christ-follower is an extension of the daily conversation with the Creator and Savior.

Group worship is a way for Christ-followers to glorify God and encourage each other.

Next week get the conversation with God started before you drive on the campus. In fact, you can get it started now and when you finally get to be with the group, worship will seem short because you have been enjoying God’s presence for the whole time.


Worship is so much different when I have had an on-going conversation with God. 

How do you prepare for corporate worship?

Six Leadership Lessons From Being Left On the Road

Six Leadership Lessons From Being Left On the Road

Values, we all have them.

Values, we all have them.