Each week members of the worship team spend hours making sure the music enhances the service. But when it all the rehearsing is complete it is not about the music at all...it is all about the words. That's why we make sure that the vocals are heard over the instrumentation, the words for all songs are projected, and we encourage even the instrumentalists and tech personnel to sing along...it is all about the words.
That being the case it is the priority of the worship planning team to make sure that the words for all the songs are biblically correct and understandable. That means there are some songs that are popular that we don't use and there are some songs from our tradition's history that we also don't use. It is also is the reason that we vary the style of some very familiar songs so that emphasis can be given to the words. The songs words have little meaning if they flow out of our mouth without engaging our mind.
This week in our worship service we will a variety of songs and they have all been chosen for their words. Here is an old text we are using that will be unfamiliar to our people, therefore we are going to slow down the tempo of the song and maybe even stop at some point to read the words before we sing them because...it is all about the words:
Verse 1 Man of sorrows what a name For the Son of God who came Ruined sinners to reclaim Hallelujah what a Saviour
Verse 2 Bearing shame and scoffing rude In my place condemned He stood Sealed my pardon with His blood Hallelujah what a Saviour Verse 3 Guilty vile and helpless we Spotless Lamb of God was He Full atonement can it be Hallelujah what a Saviour Verse 4 Lifted up was He to die It is finished was His cry Now in heaven exalted high Hallelujah what a Saviour Verse 5 When He comes our glorious King All His ransomed home to bring Then anew this song we'll sing Hallelujah what a Saviour This post in a continuation in a series titled Preparing for Worship and is written specifically for the people of ClearView so that might be better prepared to worship on the weekend and have a little insight into the worship planning process. For the people of ClearView here are some other items that can help you be better prepared to participate in worship this Sunday: Scriptures Acts 2:32-36 Luke 9:1-20 Isaiah 53:1-6 Songs Jesus Messiah Today is the Day