For over ten years I have made it a part of my daily or at least five days a week routine to spend a dedicated amount of time in exercising. That chunk of time ranges from a minimum of 30 minutes up to two or more hours. During this time I have been faithful to keep up a ‘quiet time’ with God, however, I recently realized I have been giving more time to keeping my physical body in shape than my spiritual soul. Over the last six weeks this has all changed; intentionally I carve out a longer time each day for a conversation with God…just me and Him and His Word. I can tell a difference.
We cannot compartmentalize our lives…I cannot compartmentalize, giving attention to one part of my whole being over another.
I believe that we should take the bible verse in Romans 12:1-2 seriously…present our whole bodies as a sacrifice of worship. There are too many of us Christ followers who ignore our physical bodies and only concentrate on the spiritual. Granted being in top physical shape will not get you into heaven, but it will give you a better chance of living more years as a Christ-follower and then encouraging and leading others into a Christ relationship. There are too many Christ-followers, and I used to be one of them who let the spiritual exercise take a back seat to other areas. That was and is wrong.
I want to be a totally sold out follower of Christ…everything I am…balanced so that I can be an example of what I think Christ wants me to be.
Do you agree that Christ wants us to have balance in our lives, including our physical life?
How do you keep balance in your life?