I wrote the core of this blog on Saturday night thinking I would get a head start on Monday morning routine of writing for Sunday Setlists. Never thinking that what I had put on paper and planned would change so dramatically.
Here is what was planned to look like in our main worship room on February 28. The rehearsal went great, the band and singers were all ready to go as planned. However; as I begin to lead the service I knew we needed to head a different way. I note the changes below.
Song Set 1
Holy Is the Lord
-Chris Tomlin/Louie Giglio @2003 worshiptogether.com songs
Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
-by Robert Robinson/Thomas Miller @2005 Gate Way Create Publishing
From the Inside Out
-by Joel Houston @2005 Hillsong Publising
We moved the choir feature, My Help Cometh From the Lord after From the Inside Out. I did my best to set it up with a verbal intro that used words from the song.When I turned around to start everybody was ready. I work with a great team.
Welcome -comment: I know this is necessary, however, it often puts a stop on the conversation we are having with God. This is another element, along with the response time that we are evaluating.
Song Set #2
Blessed Be Your Name
-by Matt Redman/Beth Redman @2002 Thankyou Music
My Help Cometh From the Lord
- by Jackie Gouche Farris @1997 Irving Music
I completely cut the song Blessed Be Your Name and moved up the song we were going to end service with, Let the Church Rise. After hearing the sermon I realized why I felt the need to change the order. This song was a great lead in to the sermon.
Sermon Response Time
As a part of the response we went back to the song Let The Church Rise Close of Service Let the Church Rise -Israel Houghton/Jonathan Stockstill @2006 Sound of The New Breed
We did not go back to this song to close the service.
Questions: (I would love to hear from other worship leaders)
Do you stay with what you have planned?
Can you make changes on short notice before or during your services?
If so what is your criteria for deviating from your plan?
How do you communicate the non-scheduled events or changes to your team?