Okay I am going to try to start a new trend…a new blog post every Thursday giving a preview of what to expect in services at ClearView each weekend. In so doing I hope that we can all be prepared to meet God in the conversation which is worship.
Get ready…there will be a lot of excitement in the worship room this week as Sunday will be the conclusion of DNOW weekend for students grades 6-12. The center section of the worship center is usually packed with students, middle school at 9:30 and high school at 11:00 AM. It is so fun to see them engaged in worship.
The sermon this Sunday continues from Nehemiah and our pastor will be walking us through chapters 11 and 12. In preparation for the service, why don’t we take a few minutes to read these chapters and maybe even look over notes from previous weeks.
Another way to prepare for Sunday would be to look at the following scriptures that are the basis for some of the songs we will sing:
Psalm 136:1-5 (Forever)
Isaiah 40:31 (Everlasting God)
Psalm 91:1-44 (Still)
Romans 5:20-21 (Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone)
Revelation 7:11-12 (Hallelujah We Will Sing)
(photography by David Jones)