Worship: the creative arts...talents and gifts

I often get the question why do you use all those instruments, drama or dance in worship services or special events.  Throughout school age years I spent a lot of time playing trumpet and because of the size church I attended there was not much opportunity to use that talent in worship.  In high school I got to attend a larger church with friends and I was blown away, they had a band (trumpets, trombones, saxes), there were singers doing choreography and they had a rhythm section with drums.  It was during those years that God begin to deal with me about serving in full-time minister in the local church and more specifically through the creative arts.  I witnessed the worship pastor at that church use a multitude of talented people and creative arts to share the message of God’s love. I remember thinking if it could be done here it could happen in other churches.  Well that has been over thirty years ago and I still believe that as a worship pastor I should look for opportunities to allow people to use their gifts and talents to expand the Gospel and give glory to God. (I should never allow the creative arts to be used in worship just for arts sake.  If the arts do not enhance the gospel they should not be used.  If the arts communicate something contradictory to God’s Word they should not be used.)


During the last few days I have been reading the books of Samuel and Chronicles,  looking at the events that lead to David becoming king and the events of him bringing the Ark of the Lord to Jerusalem.  Some of the story includes times of celebration in the presence of the Lord.


David and all the people of Israel were celebrating before the LORD with all their might, singing songs and playing all kinds of musical instruments – lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets, and cymbals. 2 Samuel 6:5


So David went there and brought the Ark to the City of David with a great celebration…and David danced before the Lord with all his might…  2 Samuel 6: 12, 14


 FYI:  The worship pastor mentioned above, Doug Holck, is still serving the same church, Peoples Church

, and is still looking for ways to use the creative arts in worship…and so am I.

Christmas Memories...on Christmas Eve

Passion for God